Web Help Files > Administrator Help > General Information > Basics of AFHCAN Network

Local vs. Global Providers and Groups

When setting up providers and groups in the tConsult software, one of the options is to establish the provider/group as either local or global.  The distinction comes into play when there are server-to-server connections.  If a provider/group is set as “local”, only users on the local server can view and select it as a recipient and send cases to it.  If a provider/group is set as “global”, all local users as well as users on other servers (organizations) can view and select it as a recipient and send cases to it.

If your server (organization) has connections to other servers (organizations), you will need to make sure that all providers/groups that should be visible to other servers (organizations)  are set as global.  Likewise, if there are providers/groups that you do not want to appear as recipients for users on other servers (organizations), make sure that they are set as local.